The whole process to pass a bill was such a foreign concept to me. And I never thought it would be anything i would be a part of. But shortly after Ethan was found, I received a phone call telling me to stay out of the legislature and stay away from this bill. They didn't want Ethan or his story to be any part of this bill. (at that time, it was a different bill number). I was confused by the whole conversation and then even more confused when the same person called the next day to say, hey maybe we could work together. And so began my quest to find out how a bill even got written, much less get one passed.
The first year, our involvement was posting on social media about the bill and asking people to call or send emails. The bill didn't get voted on or even assigned to committee.
So, I started a podcast and had a couple lawmakers on to try and get as much information as I could.
With my newfound information, it was time to tackle the animal welfare world. But i still had a lot to learn. I was very excited to play more of a role this particular year, even listening to the house session on my earbuds during work. (pretty boring, I must admit) I had become friends with the gentleman that introduced the bill, Rep Chris Freeland, and he was able to let me know when and if the bill was going to be introduced, regardless of if it was on the Orders of the Day or not. We did our normal posting about calling and emailing but took it to another level by visiting Frankfort many times to watch the House in session. This year, the bill was called by floor leader, Rep Steve Rudy (who is not a 'friend' of the bill, or any animal legislation for that matter) but when it was called, someone yelled out
HB 258 is a bill that was introduced by House Representative Susan Tyler Witten in the 2024 Kentucky General Assembly. On February 21, Representative Witten and I testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee. It passed out of Committee and on March 4 it was voted on and passed through the House by a vote of 79-9.
It then proceeded to the Senate and we again testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 14. It passed through committee 8-3. On March 26 it was called in the Senate for a vote. Through a spirited debate, it eventually passed through the Senate 30-5.
Ethan's Law increases the punishment for intentional torture of a cat or dog and changes it from a first offense misdemeanor to a first offense Class D Felony. This law also defines torture more thoroughly and includes the restraint of the cat or dog. It also outlines the wanton disregard for the acts of torture. Basically, if you intentionally, with wanton disregard, restrain your cat or dog and torture them by either physical abuse or infirmity by intentionally denying them food or water then you are violating this law.
This was a major victory for cats and dogs in Kentucky.
It is now known as KRS 525.135, Ethan's Law.